At Cepal Hellas we are committed to ethical business and operational practices and operations in all our entities and operating jurisdictions.
The Board of Directors and the Company's Senior Management apply zero tolerance to incidents of fraud, inappropriate behavior, breach of duty or illegal activity, whether these come from the actions of the Company's employees, or from third parties with whom the Company cooperates or is represented.
The Company is committed to the highest standards of integrity, transparency and accountability in all its activities. Additionally, it requires all of its employees to act professionally and with due diligence, and expects them to protect its assets, brand and reputation.

This Whistleblowing Policy establishes the Administration’s framework for:

  • Receiving and evaluating/managing Reports
  • The communication channels available for submitting Reports
  • The protection of persons who submit Reports and act in “good faith”
  • The responsibilities of employees and third parties in relation to this Policy
  • The basic concepts and definitions as well as the provisions of the Report Monitoring Program
Cepal Hellas encourages everyone to raise a concern or report an incident of misconduct or illegal activities through any of the following communication channels:
  • Cepal “Speak Up” Online Reporting Platform
  • Email Cepal Hellas: whistleblowing@cepal.gr
  • Post Office: Andreas Syggrou Avenue 209 – 211, Greece, P.O. 171 21, Nea Smyrni, Athens (please refer to your letter to the Cepal Whistleblowing Oversight Officer)
All reports are treated confidentially and will be investigated, where appropriate, in order to take corrective action. Reports are confidential and you are not required to disclose your identity unless you choose to do so. However, to facilitate any further action, we kindly ask you to record as much information as possible about your concern or the incident you are reporting.
To access the "Speak Up" Electronic reporting platform, click on the link below.
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