>Form for the Exercise of Data Subject Rights

By using this form, each natural person is entitled to exercise its rights under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (EU) (“GPDR”) in relation to its personal data processed by Cepal Hellas Financial Services S.A. (“Cepal Hellas”) with headquarters at 209-211 Syggrou Avenue, 17121, Nea Smyrni, Attiki, Greece.


As the controller of your personal data, Cepal Hellas, according to the applicable legislative framework, including the GDPR and law 4624/2019 on personal data protection, undertakes to evaluate your request and proceed with its handling, when feasible, within the timeframe provided for under such framework taking into place the necessary technical and organizational measures. In any case, you will be informed about the status of your request.


In the context of ensuring the optimal management of your request, please carefully fill in the following fields:

    1. Personal details of natural person exercising the right

    Exercised right

    2. Right you wish to exercise

    3. Means via which you prefer to be contacted in relation to the progress of your request

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    We kindly request you to verify your email address via the issuance of a digital solemn declaration from www.gov.gr and attach it herein via selecting the option “Attachment”.

    Following the completion of the form in case you choose to download the pdf and not to submit the form electronically via the CEPAL website, you have the option to sent it via email to the DPO at the following address dpo@cepal.gr or via post to Cepal Hellas Financial Services SA (209-211 Syggrou Avenue, 17121, Nea Smyrni, Attiki, Greece).

    Where requests from a data subject are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive character, CEPAL may charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or communication or taking the action requested. CEPAL shall bear the burden of demonstrating the manifestly unfounded or excessive character of the request.

    For more details regarding your rights please feel free to communicate with Cepal Hellas DPO at the following email: dpo@cepal.gr.
    In case you require any additional information regarding the processing of your personal data by Cepal Hellas please read CEPAL Data Protection Policy (https://cepal.gr/operation-framework/data-protection/?lang=en).

    Download the form as a .pdf

    Dear Sir/Madam, we inform you that you must press the Submit button, in order for your message to be sent. Cepal Hellas S.A.

    July 27, 2:02 pm